The Afro-Asian nations had approved the basic general principles of non-alignment. 亚非国家已经同意了不结盟的基本通则。
These general principles are widely known, but it isn't easy to live up to them. 这些大道理人人都懂,真正做到可不容易啊!
When I am opposed to such actions on general principles, how can I make this case an exception? 我明明在总的原则上反对这类行为,又怎能对此事例外呢?
Details matter: general principles are not enough to guide effective action. 琐碎细节:进行有效的行动管理,光有总的原则是不够的。
( biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification. 科学分类的一般原理的研究。
Any domain of knowledge accumulated by systematic study and organized by general principles. 以普通原理整理和有系统地累积研究而得的一门学问。
In his pamphlet, Comrade Peng Dehuai has set out some general principles for work at the village level. 关于村级工作的一般原则,彭德怀同志的小册子中都提出了。
The general principles of contributory negligence and assumption of risk are appliable in products liability cases based on negligence. 过失分担原则和风险承担原则适用于以过失为由提起的产品责任案件。
A group of artists who agree on general principles. 对一般原则取得一致意见的一群艺术家。
General principles of urban planning and design courses, including the general urban planning theory and curriculum design in two parts. 城市总体规划原理与设计课程包括城市总体规划理论和课程设计两部分。
Accuracy ( trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results-part 1: general principles and definitions 测量方法和结果的精确性(精度和精确度)-一般原则和定义
And finally, some general principles change the way you look at and implement code. 最后,一些一般性的原则将改变观察和实现代码的方式。
In this paper, the general principles, objectives, task, contents, procedures, and reports of program monitoring are presented. 论述专业监控的总则、监控的目的和任务、监控的内容和程序,以及监控报告等;
As to the general principles of law being the source of International Law, there are some different opinions about their concrete meanings and the application. 一般法律原则作为国际法的渊源,在具体内容和适用上颇有异议,但在最新的国际立法和司法实践中其内涵已经逐渐明确。
This article describes the general principles for the management information unit modeling and the process modeling of a business process management system, and its functions and implementation tools. 本文描述了一个业务流程管理系统的管理信息单元组织模型和流程模型,以及系统功能模块及其实现工具,为企业进行业务流程管理提供了一定的参考。
Students learn to apply the general principles of management and administration to the health-care field. 学生学习在卫生保健领域应用经营管理的一般原则。
Involving inferences from general principles. 涉及从一般原则开始的推论。
"General Principles of Civil Law" is the basis of establishment of civil code. 《民法通则》是民法总则编制定的基础与胚胎。
Endorse the values and general principles of the Alliance, as reflected in its strategic plan; 认可联盟的价值观和总体原则,及其战略计划;
He rejected all attempts to predicate general principles of morality and law on the empirical nature of man. 他否定了所有试图将道德和法律的一般原则建立在经验人性基础之上的作法。
Moreover. The General Principles of the Civil Law promulgated in 1986 also set forth in principle provisions regarding contracts. Such a situation is not good for the unification of the law. 此外,1986年颁布的《民法通则》也对合同作出了原则上的规定。这种情况不利于法律的统一。
Two well-established general principles are very helpful in determining whether consideration really exists. 在决定对价是否真正存在时,两个已经确立的一般原则是很有帮助的。
It is this similarity that provides courts with the "general principles" in deciding many problems that arise in international disputes. 这些相似性为法院提供了解决国际争端中所产生的许多问题的一般法律原则。
Working Group on General Principles of Criminal Law and Penalties 刑法和刑罚的一般原则工作组
General Principles on Freedom and Non-Discrimination in Matter of Political Rights 关于政治权利事项中的自由和不歧视一般性原则
In our country, hierarchy system of plot applicable to conflict can be established, and handle it from general principles and specific application rules. 我国学者对此也有研究,但鲜有深入阐述者。建立情节冲突适用规则的层次化体系,可从一般原则和具体适用规则两个方面的操作。